Thursday, 16 September 2010

International Architecture

I often walk around town and when approaching the newly built architectural masterpieces of the city, think to myself (quite geekish really), but we are quite blessed. Living in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, we are very fortunate to have many great buildings to admire if you like that sort of thing, I do. The Baltic Flour Mill, The Building styles that make up the rest of the Quayside and also, not leaving out The Sage- a Foster example which at first looked like a slug to me, but it was not till I actually entered the building that I could fully appreciate why it was such a special thing and why we are quite lucky to be able to say we have buildings such as these here in the North East.

However, not every city in the world is as lucky as us Geordies eh? I say us, but very much mean you as I am very much a Southener that has adopted the "Why-eye" way of life. But the rest of the world cannot boast the structures such as the Millenium Bridge, The Tyne Bridge, the now newly built university building next to the Northen Stage. No, they cannot.

In fact, what they can boast is that they don't spend too much time thinking about architecture. Why be so serious? Why spend so much time? Chill out and let's go with the flow. I think that this creative/laid back approach to Design has produced so rather strange results and in short, I would like to share a few of them with you from time to time. Some you might find will really have you scratching your head as to why these things actually got made and how someone did'nt point out that they "might" not work.

Have a ganders.......

I will continue this particular showcase at a later date, but there in just these two images alone, have had me thinking what in the world the people who were responsible for this were thinking when they put this together.

Wait in anticpation for the public loo design...

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