Friday, 24 September 2010

Less is More thanks Mies!

Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe adopted the motto "Less is more" to describe his aesthetic tactic of arranging the numerous necessary components of a building to create an impression of extreme simplicity

Thanks to wikipedia, I found this quote to describe the blog I am now going to write about.

Minimalism- making something look simple. Whilst I was at university, I was told that simplicity is the one of the hardest things to achieve as a creative and I do believe after today's slog, that he was right. But, even so, simple is good and I feel all the better for it.

My site as of this morning contained 54 pages and had so much work on show that I can't believe anyone would stand around long enough to look at it all. I made the decision that I needed to simplify my work and after 8 hours of work, I think I have achieved it. My website now comprises of 9 pages and is formatted so that potential clients will get all they need to know from what I have done in the past. One piece of work per page, an easy to use, but attractive (if I don't say so myself) navigation bar and with the subtle features to the work, makes it much more user friendly.

I write this very short piece to encourage anyone who has aspirations of getting into this fascinating practice, that doing less to a site really is doing more. I think that from the new format, people will spend more time looking at the work. I think that with the ease of use, it will encourage those to have me do their sites. I really think that less will prove to be so much more.

Have a look at some sites and compare them, which ones do you engage with the most? The ones with pages and pages and pages? I don't. I think you might find that it will be the ones that have less to them, less to take in, less to have to think about- unless you are on a learning binge however.

Something to think about.

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